
Cardio-arithmatic & muscle relaxing

Show notes please: (11:09) I have to go where the white people are since they are my audience, so I now have a Facebook page. Shave the dead skin off your feet. The new year is a new shoe and you have to put it on your foot. Have some HIV-poitive thought: (a) I can be a new person, (b) I can lose weight or (c) I will not get so drunk that I have multiple rape charges against myself brought upon me by the many men up in my neighborhood, please. Merry Christmas everybody. I am not a prophet. My tongue gets exercise.

My resolutions for the new year: I am going on a new exercise regime: cardio-arithmatic and heart palpatating muscle relaxing. I will feed myself nutritionally: I will save up and go to the white people grocery store. 3. Hula hoop to strengthen my gut. 4. I will spend more time with my friends, but not my family. (I will join the African American Ladies Knitting League.) 5. I will plant a tree a day. (Download the mp3)

iTunes | RSS | MySpace | VM: 912-CAT-LYKA | ladyraptastic@gmail.com

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